About Us


Encountering Jesus Today was created to be a “Home Base” for anyone who seeks to develop a deeper, daily, real life relationship with Jesus. Our focus is inspiration, reflection, and tools for growing faith and discipleship.  Inspiration is central to faith since passion is the primary driving element in the life of faith and discipleship. Reflection has never been more necessary in our age of distraction, noise and anxiety. It is critical to take the time to turn our hearts to reflect on the “one thing necessary” to listen and receive! And with the use of practical tools that we can incorporate into our lives, we will move toward a dynamic, sustainable, and ever-growing encounter with Jesus and make the life of fervent discipleship possible.

This Home Base website will be updated with homilies, reflections and resources, allowing you to experience fervent discipleship on a regular basis. Sources will be drawn from various people, and direction will also come from listening to participants. Let us know what you think and what you are looking for. A life of faith is simply done much better when it is done together.

Thanks for joining us.

In God’s Love and Friendship,


About John Lozano

John Lozano is a permanent deacon and has worked for 24 years in campus ministry at Villanova University, and as an instructor in the department of Theology and Religious Studies. He holds masters degrees in Theology, Counseling and Liberal Studies. John has also worked as a therapist and a parish director of adult faith formation, and he has developed programs for lay-leadership development, small faith communities, and marriage preparation and retreats.

John is actively engaged as a permanent deacon and uses his rich experience as an affective and well-renowned homilist, program developer, lecturer and author to reach a wide variety of individuals who seek spiritual guidance, comfort and growth. John has traveled widely offering parish missions, days of renewal and workshops. John’s first book was “Good New in Bad Times, Discovering Spiritual Meaning in the Midst of Crisis and Uncertainty” was published in 2010.

John also leads yearly medical mission teams to Haiti.

Most importantly John is married to his wife Helen and has three children and six grand-children and lives outside of Philadelphia.